Friday, October 30, 2009


For my Halloween weekend my plans are, Friday; my friend Amanda is coming home with me, then me and her will either go to a party or go to the game tonight, not sure. After the game I might sleep over her house or just go home. Saturday; I’m going to Amanda’s house, were going to get ready and go out trick or treating for like an hour then to my friend’s house and stay the night there. And Sundays are usually were I sleep all day because I’m so tired from Saturday.

I love all the candy you get from Halloween. But my favorite candy to get is Reenses, I like pretty much all candy but that’s the one that I love. When it comes to Halloween candy I’m never the one that really eats it all, my sisters and brother and my mom eat more of it then I do.

My favorite Halloween costume that I’ve ever had was when I was about six maybe seven, me and my sister Emma dressed up as jokers and I just remember the costume being so cool. We took about a thousand pictures that night. But the thing is, is that I don’t remember that night at all like getting ready for it or even going trick or treating so it’s weird. But I’m glad I have the pictures to remind me.

Halloween is my favorite holiday, along with my sister too. We like it so much because all the scary movie that come out and the TV shows they play and haunted houses and then just looking so good for Halloween and scaring you. Everyone in my family enjoys Halloween but my mom she hates it. She believes that one year it won’t exist anymore and people will just forget about it. But me and my sister don’t believe that one bit. Every year me, Emma and Arin go to haunted house especially Erebus, that’s the best haunted house ever. We just have a lot of fun this time of year.

When it comes to movies I don’t really have like a favorite one. I just like to watch them. I think that movie Halloween it’s really scary but I like it. I also like the haunting in Connecticut that was a good one. I just watch pretty much any scary movie I can but I never watch them alone, I probably couldn’t do that.